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Nursing Services

The Community Health Nurse (CHN) provide a variety of services such as; health education, home visits, communicable disease control, individualized health counseling, raising awareness on issues related to healthy lifestyles, creating partnerships for provincial projects and increasing community awareness of healthy lifestyles among First Nation Families within WRTHS First Nations.


Community Health Nursing involves maintaining and improving health through activities focusing primarily on prevention, health education and assessments.

Community Health Nurses, along with the health team, plan and implement health programs based on community needs. Although the priorities and focus for health programs may vary from community to community, the overall community health plan is to improve and maintain health.

Providing primary health care in communities places unique demands and nurses are required to; 


  • Visit new parents, facilitating new baby care;

  • Provide immunization;

  • Encourage physical activity;

  • Facilitate community education sessions;

  • Provide primary care services for common conditions during scheduled clinics;

  • Attend to emergency needs (for example: trauma, obstetrical emergencies and cardic conditions);

  • Health promotion;

  • Disease prevention;

  • Illness management; and

  • Clinical assessment.


The Community Health Nursing (CHN) promotes the traditional view of public health. The program supports the delivery of holistic programs and services within communities. The CHN services are embracing an integrated approach with focus on population based services that support individual, families and communities in dealing with the multiple factors that affect their health; rather than relying on the curative services after illness or chronic conditions develop. The CHN services are based on the development of self-reliance and empowerment of both the individual and community. The nursing program aims at support people in self-care, health self-care, and illness self-care.



Service provide at health centres of each community.



Head Office

Skownan First Nation

P.O. Box 104

Skownan, MB  R0L 1Y0

Phone: 204-628-3333

West Region Treaty 2 & 4



Unit 16 - 2nd Floor

317 Main St. North

Dauphin, MB  R7N 1C5

Phone: 204-622-9400

Fax: 204-622-9449

Toll Free: 1-866-385-9400

WRTH Sub-Office
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