The executive director
The Executive Director works closely with the WRTHS Health Board of Governance, Community Health Directors and with all Program Coordinators of the WRTHS. I would like to thank the WRTHS Board of Governance for having supported the WRTHS Health Director and the office on the following initiatives:
Incorporation Process which occurred In August 2013
On-going work in Accreditation– designation achieved in 2015 with 100% compliance in all programs
Strategic Planning Process—having had it done in 2013
5 Year Tribal Health Plan which is our guide in our activities
Current challenges /achievements by the WRTHS Health Director are as follows:
Negotiated an increase in Mental Health Counselling Services funding with two(2) additional full time staff now in place
Off reserve Medical Transportation Program implemented October 31,2016
Tribal Nursing Officer & Home and Community Care Coordinator to receive additional funding in 2016/17.
Data Sharing Information Partnership - WRTHS and affiliated FN Communities must start collecting own data, in which it can be used to support future initiatives.
Nursing Budgets to be increased in FY 2017/2018 proposal submitted in November, 2016.
To continue advocating for a full time Human Resource Coordinator to assist WRTHS and work with the FN Communities.
The Executive Director will continuously advocate for new programs/initiatives that will ultimately benefit the FN Communities.